Illinois Principals Association

Illinois School Leader Pipeline Program

The purpose of the Illinois School Leader Pipeline Program (ISLPP) is to identify, develop, support and sustain diverse cohorts of aspiring school leaders as they progress through preparation to attainment of school leadership (principal or assistant principal) positions. The Illinois Principals Association (IPA) and  the Illinois Council of Professors of Educational Administration (ICPEA) will collaboratively coordinate and deliver the Illinois School Leader Pipeline Program with grant support from the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).

Program Supports

Funding for a new cohort of principal pipeline participants has been included in Governor Pritzker's proposed FY26 Illinois state budget.

The application opened on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, and will close on May 10, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.

The following resources will be provided to the program awardees if the legislature passes, and the governor signs, the FY26 state budget in late May/early June.

  • $7,400 of tuition support for the 2025-2026 school year.
  • 20 hours of continued mentoring by an experienced school leader who has received significant mentor training.
  • $500 to offset professional development opportunities so the aspiring leader can engage in IPA leadership activities.
  • IPA Aspiring Membership to connect the aspiring school leaders to the largest professional learning network of school leaders in the state of Illinois.
The governor's budget includes funding for one year of support for the awardees. It does NOT guarantee a second year of funding.

Program applicants must be prepared to cover the remainder of the university tuition and fees associated with earning the principal endorsement should a second year of funding not be included in the FY27 state budget. 

Due to state grant timelines, money for tuition will likely be delayed until August or September, 2025. Applicants starting coursework in July or August may have to make other arrangements to cover tuition until grant money can be dispersed by IPA. IPA can only disperse money to colleges and universities--not to individual participants. If you have paid tuition with personal funds or loans, the university may refund money to you after receiving funds from IPA. IPA cannot refund money directly to participants.

Aspiring School Leader Requirements

In order for aspiring school leaders to participate in the ISLPP, they must commit to the following:

  • Be committed to becoming a school leader (principal, assistant principal, dean, etc.) upon completion of their preparation program.
  • Gain acceptance into a state approved principal preparation program.
  • Start principal preparation coursework between July 1, 2025 and  January 31, 2026 (individuals completing coursework prior to July 1, 2025 or after January 31, 2026, are ineligible for this program).
  • Satisfactorily complete all principal preparation program requirements.
  • Be willing to be mentored by an experienced school leader.
  • Complete program evaluations and provide other appropriate information as needed by the ISLPP.


The application form for Cohort #3 opened on March 18, 2025, and will close on May 10, 2025 at 11:59 pm.

Applicant award notifications are expected to be sent on or before June 30, 2025.


If you have questions about the Illinois School Leader Pipeline Program, please email Beth Broyles at

Program Recognition


The program has drawn national attention and was featured in the December 2022 Principal Leadership magazine, published by the National Association of Secondary School Principals. Written by Dan Gursky, Strengthening and Diversifying the Pipeline, showcases the goals of the program and features several of the first cohort participants.