Illinois Principals Association

School Leader Entry Plan

So you get started on the right foot, we at the Illinois Principals Association (IPA) in partnership with the members of the School Leader Collaborative have developed this School Leader Entry Plan for you. In this document, you will find guidance anchored to the School Leader Paradigm to help you frame your thinking about starting well. We discuss critical leadership competencies and attributes for you to reflect on early in your tenure. Further, we look to focus your relationship building and learning processes by providing you with suggestions of people you should consider engaging with, documents you should consider reading, and work you should consider doing. To help you be transparent with and accountable to the members of your learning organization about how you plan to get started, we furnish you with an example public entry plan meant as a model for your own.

The Notes section in the back provides you a place to capture key data points about your school, possible opportunities for early wins, expectations your superintendent (or your district supervisor) has for your performance, and other critical reflections and information. Lastly, we offer you a planning tool to help you connect your entry to the efforts you will initiate to move your learning organization forward.

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