Illinois Principals Association

IPA Leadership

Welcome to the 2025-2026 IPA Election. Per the IPA Constitution, eligible IPA Members may run for a state office or national representative upon nomination by an IPA State Director at the first regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting of the calendar year. The open office for 2025-2026 is IPA President-Elect (K-8).

The election voting window will be Wednesday, March 19 (8 a.m.) to Wednesday, March 26 (5 p.m.). Voting will not be allowed before or after these times. On March 19, eligible IPA voting members will receive an email with instructions about how to access the online ballot for the open positions. Please direct questions to Meghan Tolson, IPA Board and Region Service Specialist, at

Voting irregularities may be reported to IPA Election Committee members:

Tim Chipman, Principal, Eisenhower Elementary School (Two Rivers Region)
Paul Higginbotham, Principal, Martinsville Jr High/High School (Wabash Valley Region)
Sonia Ruiz, IPA Diversity and Equity Chair (Three Rivers Region)

Candidates (Click on picture or name to read candidate bio.)

Nominee for President-Elect

Brian Faulkner