Illinois Principals Association

Admin Academies

Dr. Marcus Belin

Huntley High School
Dr. Marcus Belin serves as the Principal of Huntley High School. He is the Immediate Past President of the Illinois Principals Association. Dr. Belin, native of Chicago, Illinois. attended Bradley University, where he received his bachelor’s in elementary education (‘10) followed by a master’s in education administration (‘14). He completed his doctorate at National Louis University in July 2020.
Recently, Dr. Belin was named the 2021 National Association of Secondary School Principals Digital Principal of the Year and just named to the Class of 2021 ASCD International Emerging Leaders. Speaker and Host of the podcast Unapologetic Leadership.
In 2020, he was awarded the Illinois Principals Association Kishwaukee Region "Principal of The Year" award. While climbing the ranks of administration, Dr. Belin has served on a number of committees and tasks forces with the Illinois State Board of Education. Dr. Belin's drive and passion as a servant leader guide his commitment to the work as an educator and school leader. The goal is to create learning environments where students know they are first and foremost, loved and cared for and to expose young people to the world around them through meaningful learning experiences.
Dr. Belin has a beautiful wife who is an awesome educator who loves kids and has a passion to help develop her fellow educators. The Belin team consists of three beautiful children, Maliyah, Makenzie, Mekhi.

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