Illinois Principals Association


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Field Service Specialist

Don Farr
Field Service Specialist
Ph. 309 255-0579

Region Leadership

State Director
Amber Sensabaugh, Principal
Northeast Jr High School
Region Director
Carmen Woods, Assistant Principal
Washington Jr High School
Lynsy Oswald, Principal
Hamilton Elem School
Keith Stewart, Principal
Riverdale Sr High School
Communications Chair
Jessica Bollman, Principal
Taylor Ridge Elementary School
Membership Chair
Jessica Bollman, Principal
Taylor Ridge Elementary School
Legislative Chair
Patrick Versluis, Principal
Denkmann Elem School
Assistant Principals Chair
Krista Lonian, Assistant Principal
Rock Island Center for Math and Science
Awards Chair
Amber Sensabaugh, Principal
Northeast Jr High School
Retired Administrators Chair
William Burrus, Retired Principal
Dean Representative
Tia-Farrah Edwards, Dean of Students and Academic Affairs A-G
Moline Sr High School
Judi Simon, Principal
Phoenix Program

Blackhawk  Events

Blackhawk Region Board Meeting
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 9:30:am
type: Virtual
category: board
The Region Board Meeting will be held virtually.
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IPA Blackhawk Region Student Leadership and Principal Awards for Excellence Breakfast
Friday, April 11, 2025 8:30:am
type: In-Person
category: studentRecognition
location: Vibrant Arena at the Mark
address: 1201 River Dr. Moline, IL 61265
This is an opportunity for school districts within the Blackhawk Region to recognize students at the highest grade level in their buildings for their outstanding leadership qualities. **We now include our region principal awards with our student leadership breakfast.**
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Blackhawk Region Awards Breakfast (Student and Principal Awards)
Friday, April 11, 2025 8:30:am
type: In-Person
category: studentRecognition
location: Vibrant Arena at the Mark
address: 1201 River Drive Moline, IL 61265
Check-in starts @ 7:45 AM Student Leadership Awards Principal Awards Scholarship Awards (5 random seniors in attendance, $100)
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Blackhawk Region of IPA Secretaries' Night Out
Tuesday, April 22, 2025 6:00:pm
type: In-Person
category: staffRecognition
location: Old Oaks Winery
address: 10814 1st St. W Milan, IL 61264
We celebrate Blackhawk Region secretaries. Administrators are encouraged to treat their secretaries or administrative assistants to an evening filled with food, drinks, raffles, and great conversations with others from the region!
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Blackhawk Region's End of the Year Social
Friday, May 2, 2025 4:30:pm
type: In-Person
category: social
location: Jennie's Boxcar
address: 545 12th Ave East Moline, IL 61244
We would like to get all the members together for food and drinks before wrapping up the 2024-2025 school year. **We will pick 5/2 or 5/9. We like to have the last social on a Friday after work. We are open to trying new places in the region. Jennie's Boxcar was suggested**
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Annual Blackhawk Region Board Meeting
Tuesday, May 20, 2025 9:30:am
type: Virtual
category: board
This is our final meeting for the 2024-2025 year, so we want to review/update the constitution/bylaws as needed, set goals, and plan for the upcoming year. We also want to continue to fill any vacant positions within our region.
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