Northwest Region Secretary Appreciation DinnerWednesday, April 23, 2025 6:00:pm
type: In-Person
category: staffRecognition
location: Prairieview Golf Course Pavillion
address: 6734 N German Church Road
Byron,IL 61010
Register Now Northwest Region Student Leadership BrunchFriday, May 9, 2025 10:00:am
type: In-Person
category: studentRecognition
location: Dixon Elks Club
address: 1279 Franklin Grove Rd, Dixon, IL 61021
Hi all! The IPA Northwest Region would like to cordially invite you to the 2025 Student Recognition Brunch. The brunch will be held on Friday, May 9th, at the Dixon Elks Lodge. The event will start at 10:00 and end around 12:00. Please select two students from the exiting grade level at your building to be recognized at the brunch. The cost for each attendee (administrator, student, and parent) will be $25. So if you choose two students, each student has both of their parents attend, and you attend as well, the total cost would be $175 ($25x7). This year, we will only be accepting online payments. If you have any questions, please reach out to Thanks! Mike Sand
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