Ed Leaders Network

All ELN On-Demand Courses

6 Steps to Effective Teacher Evaluation
(4 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Rich Voltz - This course supports school leaders' development of stronger...
Advocating Personal Wellness
(2 PD Hrs.) This course will enable the practitioner to develop the ability to: demonstrate an...
Allocating and Assigning Personnel
(2 PD Hrs.) In this course, participants will create an implementation plan that will ensure...
Americans with Disabilities Act in the School Environment
(3 PD Hrs) by Rachel M. Weisberg from Equip for Equality - This course covers Section 504 of the...
Americans with Disabilities Act in the School Environment (2023 - 2024)
(3 PD Hrs) by Rachel M. Weisberg from Equip for Equality - This course covers Section 504 of the...
Anaphylactic Reactions Management and Food Allergies
(1 PD Hrs) This training will cover the common causes of severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis)...
Anaphylactic Reactions Management and Food Allergies (2023 - 2024)
(1 PD Hrs) This training will cover the common causes of severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis)...
Anti-Bias Education
(1 PD Hr.) Presenters Dr. Tim Dohrer and Dr. Tom Golebiewski define the characteristics and...
Anti-Bias Education (2023 - 2024)
(1 PD Hr.) Presenters Dr. Tim Dohrer and Dr. Tom Golebiewski define the characteristics and...
Applying Learning Science in the Remote Classroom
(3 PD Hrs.) Dr. Diana Zaleski, Illinois Education Association.
Assessing Student Learning and Growth
(3 PD Hrs.) In this course the participant will learn how to facilitate teacher analysis of...
Assessing the Learning Environment
(3 PD Hrs.) This course will develop the ability to implement an ongoing process for assessing the...
Asthma Management for School Staff
(0 PD Hrs.) This course will provide an overview of asthma, asthma emergency response, and review...
Asthma Management for School Staff (2023 - 2024)
(0 PD Hrs.) This course will provide an overview of asthma, asthma emergency response, and review...
Attendance and Student Engagement
(2 PD Hrs.) This mandated course is designed to help educators understand the implications of the...
Attendance and Student Engagement (2023 - 2024)
(2 PD Hrs.) This mandated course is designed to help educators understand the implications of the...
Authentic Assessment in Early Childhood Part 1
(4 PD Hrs.) Understanding the purposes, characteristics, benefits and processes of authentic...
Authentic Assessment in Early Childhood Part 2: ISBE Components
(3 PD Hrs.) This course will introduce the three Portfolio Components required by the Illinois...
Becoming a Collaborative Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) Collaborative leaders work cooperatively with others toward a common purpose and...
Becoming a Conciliatory Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) Conciliatory leaders recognize and resolve disputes by applying effective...
Becoming a Connective Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) Connective leaders actively meet people, introduce them to each other, and create...
Becoming a Fit and Healthy Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) Fit and healthy leaders embrace a balance between their professional and personal...
Becoming a Generous Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) Generous leaders are kind, understanding, and not selfish; and are willing to give to...
Becoming a Humble Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) Humble leaders know what they do not know, resist being arrogant, and never...
Becoming a Methodical Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) This course aims to assist leaders in this pursuit by providing a structured approach...
Becoming a Protective Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) Protective leaders focus on the well-being of others, the community, and society at...
Becoming a Reflective Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) Reflective leaders think critically about personal behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, and...
Becoming a Relational Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) Relational leaders interact with people in ways that fulfill their physical,...
Becoming a Resilient Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) This course provides an opportunity for leaders to explore their personal behaviors,...
Becoming a Responsible Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) This course aims to assist leaders in this pursuit by providing a structured approach...
Becoming a Responsive Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) This course will provide an opportunity for leaders to explore their personal...
Becoming a Self-Aware Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) Self-aware leaders self-evaluate by reflecting on their thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Becoming a Strategic Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) The strategic school leader exhibits the ability to anticipate, challenge, interpret,...
Becoming a Transformative Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) This course aims to assist leaders in this pursuit by providing a structured approach...
Becoming a Trustworthy Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) This course aims to assist leaders in the pursuit of becoming more trustworthy by...
Becoming a Visionary Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) Visionary leaders build a group vision as a guide for making all decisions.
Becoming an Accountable Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) Accountable leaders hold themselves to a higher standard and continuous growth; they...
Becoming an Analytic Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) Analytic leaders possess the ability to adopt a data-driven analytic approach to...
Becoming an Articulate Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) Articulate leaders adhere to high standards and exhibit a proficiency to clearly...
Becoming an Empathetic Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) Empathetic leaders have the ability to recognize, value, and share others' feelings.
Becoming an Ethical Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) Leaders who prioritize ethical conduct embody a set of principles, values, and beliefs...
Becoming an Intentional Leader
(2 PD Hrs.) Intentional leaders act rather than react, are deliberate, recognize every aspect of...
Becoming an Optimistic Leader
(PD Hrs. 2) Optimistic leaders remain steadfast personally and professionally in the face of...
Bias and Microaggressions in the Classroom
(2 PD Hrs.) Presented by Dr. Carolyn Strong. This course is about bias and microaggressions, their...
Bias and Microaggressions in the Classroom (2023 - 2024)
(2 PD Hrs.) Presented by Dr. Carolyn Strong. This course is a conversation about bias and...
Black Girl Blues
(6 PD Hrs.) Black Girl Blues exposes participants to the historical, cultural, and social factors...
Bloodborne Pathogens
(0 PD Hrs) By Martha Peebles This training will cover the universal precautions for protecting...
Bloodborne Pathogens (2023 - 2024)
(0 PD Hrs) By Martha Peebles This training will cover the universal precautions for protecting...
Brain Science for Principals
(2 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Linda Lyman - This course will address principals' current leadership needs to...
Building a Community of Writers in Grades K-6 Classroom
(3 PD Hrs.) by Taylar Wenzel, Center for the Collaborative Classroom In this course, the presenter...
Building a Foundation for Leadership Success
(4 PD Hrs.) By Jim Burgett - This course outlines four fundamental attributes for successful...
Building A+ Relationships for Leadership Success
(4 PD Hrs.) by Jim Burgett - Building positive workplace relationships and strong people skills is...
Building Relationships
(3 PD Hrs.) Presented by Dr. Herschel Hannah. This course provides participants with structures...
Bullying and Harassment: Helping Students and Parents
(1 PD Hr.) Judy Brunner and Dennis Lewis will provide participants information related to the...
Bullying and Harassment: Helping Students and Parents (2023 - 2024)
(1 PD Hr.) Judy Brunner and Dennis Lewis will provide participants information related to the...
Bullying Litigation Protection: Prevention and Response
(2 PD Hrs.) By Judy Brunner and Dennis Lewis -This course will provide participants information...
Care for Students with Diabetes
(1 PD Hrs.) Presenter Martha Peebles - This course has been designed to recognize signs and...
Care for Students with Diabetes (2023 - 2024)
(1 PD Hrs.) Presenter Martha Peebles - This course has been designed to recognize signs and...
Childhood Resilience
(2 PD Hrs.) Resilience describes the ability to bounce back from adversity in life.
Chronic Absenteeism
(3 PD Hrs.) This course is designed to help educators understand the accountability requirements...
Chronic Health Conditions of Students
(1 PD Hr.) Presenter Martha Peebles will cover common chronic health conditions of students.
Chronic Health Conditions of Students (2023 - 2024)
(1 PD Hr.) Presenter Martha Peebles will cover common chronic health conditions of students.
Classroom Control and Discipline
(6 PD Hrs.) This course will cover six sections: 1) Rules 2) Procedures 3) Consequences 4) Room...
Close Reading in the K-5 Classroom
(2 PD Hrs.) By Jill Brown. Close Reading is a portion of the Text Complexity Model found in the...
Collaborating with Families During Remote Instruction
(3 PD Hrs.) Dr. Diana Zaleski, Illinois Education Association.
Conducting Assessment Audits
(3 PD Hrs.) The purpose of this course is to introduce educators to the process of conducting...
Conflict Resolution @Work
(2 PD Hrs.) By Karen Wagnon. In this course, you will identify and understand the different types...
Creating a Learning Focused Curriculum
(2 PD Hrs.) In this course, participants will learn how to facilitate teacher analysis of the...
Creating a Valid and Reliable Assessment
(2 PD Hrs.) By Daniel Frederking - This course covers best practice in classroom assessment...
Creating and Sustaining Innovation
(3 PD Hrs.) This course will assist the learner in developing the skills to implement a new vision...
Creating Developmentally Appropriate Lesson Plans in PreSchool Setting
(3PD Hrs.) This introductory course will provide teachers with the foundational information needed...
Creating Mentally Healthy Schools
(2 PD Hrs.) by Tim Dohrer and Tom Golebiewski This course will define mental health and explore...
Crisis and Emergency Management Planning
(3 PD Hrs.) Safety expert, Paul Timm, explains how to develop and implement a planning process for...
Cyberbullying: 21st Century Problems and Solutions
(2 PD Hrs.) By Judy Brunner and Dennis Lewis. Electronic harassment is a problem for students of...
Cyberbullying: 21st Century Problems and Solutions (2023 - 2024)
(2 PD Hrs.) By Judy Brunner and Dennis Lewis. Electronic harassment is a problem for students of...
Cybersecurity for Administrators
(3 PD hrs.) This course will help administrators understand common cybersecurity threats and...
Cybersecurity for Administrators
(3 PD hrs.) This course will help administrators understand common cybersecurity threats and...
Cybersecurity for Educators
(2 PD Hrs.) This course will help educators understand common cybersecurity threats, responses,...
Cybersecurity for Educators
(2 PD Hrs.) This course will help educators understand common cybersecurity threats, responses,...
Designing Quality Classroom Assessments
(4 PD Hrs.) The purpose of this course is to introduce educators to the process of designing...
Designing Quality Rubrics
(2 PD Hrs.) The purpose of this course is to introduce educators to the process of selecting and...
Developing a Positive Culture and Climate
(2 PD Hrs.) Developing a positive school culture and climate is an ongoing journey, not a final...
by Karen Wagnon, Human Behavior Specialist (3 PD Hrs.
Diverse Learners and Differentiating Instruction
(6 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Joan Rhodes, Virginia Commonwealth University This course covers five sections...
Domestic and Family Violence (2023 - 2024)
(3 PD Hrs.) By Kathi Neubert and Denise McCaffrey.
Dyslexia 101 for Educators Grades 5-12
(3 PD Hrs.) This online course will guide participants to recognize and identify signs of...
Dyslexia 101 for Educators Grades K-4
(5 PD Hrs.) This online course will guide participants to recognize and identify signs of...
E-rate 470 - Overview and Updates
This non-credit course has been created to provide assistance to districts as they apply and...
E-rate 471
This non-credit course has been created to provide assistance to districts as they apply and...
Effective Conversations
(3 PD Hrs.) By Rachel Z. Fisher. The participants in this course will interpret how conversations,...
ELN Manager Course
(0 PD Hrs.) This course will cover all of the manager features that administrators can use within...
Embedding an Ethical Work Culture
(2 PD Hrs.) Embedding an Ethical Work Culture discusses three learning outcomes that help shape...
Empowering a Collaborative Leadership Culture
(4 PD Hrs.) Presenter, Chad Dumas, shares insights on what it means to build a collaborative...
Ensuring a Safe Learning Environment
(4 PD Hrs.) Creating a safe learning environment requires thoughtful and constant attention.
Ensuring Accountability
(3 PD Hrs.) This course will improve the practitioner’s ability to collaboratively establish...
Ensuring Curriculum Alignment
(2 PD Hrs.) In this course, participants will review structures and processes that ensure...
Ensuring Instructional Alignment
(2 PD Hrs.) This course examines the educational leader's role in ensuring alignment of...
Establishing a Peer Support Program in Your School (2023 - 2024)
(2 PD Hrs.) Presenters Dr. Tim Dohrer and Dr. Tom Golebiewski explain what peer helping is,...
Ethical Considerations for School Employees
(2 PD Hrs.) By Brian Schwartz - This workshop fulfils the statutory requirement found in Article...
Ethical Considerations for School Employees (2023 - 2024)
(2 PD Hrs.) By Brian Schwartz - This workshop fulfills the statutory requirement found in Article...
Evaluating Assessment Alignment
(3 PD Hrs.) This course will help the educational leader demonstrate the ability to provide...
Evaluating Operational Systems Effectiveness
(4 PD Hrs.) by Joe Mullikin, Highland Elementary In this course, participants will walk through...
Evidence-Based Funding: Getting to Equity and Adequacy for Illinois Schools
(3 PD Hrs.) By Gary Tipsord. This course provides an overview of Public Act 100-0465 which...
Exemplifying Collaborative Leadership
(4 PD Hrs.) Presenter, Chad Dumas, shares insights on what it means to be a collaborative leader.
Exemplifying Equitable Behavior
(3 PD Hrs.) Presented by Dr. Herschel Hannah. This course provides the participant with the skills...
Exemplifying Ethical Behaviors and Values
(2 PD Hrs.) Today’s leaders are continuously faced with events (both good and bad) that are part...
Feeling Isolated
(2 PD Hrs.) Dr. Tammy Milby, Virginia Commonwealth University This course will cover 4 sections:...
FERPA and ISSRA - Maintenance of Student Records
(2 PD Hrs.) By Brian Schwartz - This course outlines school districts' obligations concerning the...
FERPA and ISSRA - Maintenance of Student Records
(2 PD Hrs.) By Brian Schwartz - This course outlines school districts' obligations concerning the...
FERPA and ISSRA - Maintenance of Student Records (2023 - 2024)
(2 PD Hrs.) By Brian Schwartz - This course outlines school districts' obligations concerning the...
Focusing on ADD and ADHD (2023 - 2024)
(2 PD Hrs.) By Michele Carmichael and Julie Evans.
Focusing on ADHD
(1 PD Hr.) ADHD stands for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
Fostering a Data Literacy Culture
(3 PD Hrs.) Presented by Dr. Lynda Andre. This Fostering Data Literacy course will provide...
Giving Effective, High Quality Feedback
(2 PD Hrs.) Feedback is an objective and targeted description of a student or teacher’s work...
HIV and AIDS (2023 - 2024)
(1 PD Hrs) Presenter Martha Peebles - This course covers four sections: 1)HIV Definition and...
How to Save a Life: Preparing for a Heart Emergency at Your School
(3 PD Hrs.) While it is required for high school students to be trained in CPR/AED, there is not a...
Illinois Accountability Plan
(3 PD Hrs.) Dr. Diana Zaleski, Illinois Education Association.
Illinois Recommended Training
This program contains all of the Recommended trainings for educators in the state of Illinois.
Illinois State Mandated Training (Certified Staff)
This program contains the state mandated training for Certified Staff in the State of Illinois.
Illinois State Mandated Training (Non-Certified Staff)
This program contains the state mandated training for Non-Certified Staff in the State of Illinois.
Illinois State Mandated Training (Nurses)
This program contains the state mandated training requirements for nurses in the state of Illinois.
Implementing Social and Emotional Wellness
(PD Hrs. 2) This course will enable the practitioner to obtain the ability to cultivate a...
Internet Safety - Digital Citizenship
(3 PD Hrs.) This self-paced, online course guides educators through the risks children face...
Introduction to Assessment Literacy
(3 PD Hrs.) By Laura Beltchenko. The National Council on Measurement in Education, American...
Introduction to Cultural Competency
(2 PD Hrs.) By Sherri Jones, Equity Organizer, Illinois Education Association.
Introduction to Domestic Violence and Its Impact on Children
(1 PD Hr.) Children who witness domestic violence or are victims of abuse themselves are at...
Journey Toward Anti-Racist Education
(5 PD Hrs.) “In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.
Leadership Coaching
By P.J. Caposey (5 PD Hrs.) In this course, participants will recognize the different coaching...
Leadership for Global Mindedness
(4 PD Hrs.) Educational leaders can purposefully shape their school's culture by emphasizing the...
Leadership@Work Part I - Becoming a Dynamic and Effective Leader
(3 PD Hrs.)By Karen Wagnon - Improve your personal intelligence!
Leadership@Work Part II - Understanding Needs and Drives to Become a More Effective Leader
(3 PD Hrs.) By Karen Wagon. In this course, the participants will have an understanding and...
Leading Data Literacy
(3 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Lynda Andre - This Leading Data Literacy course will provide participants with...
Leading Data-Driven Decision Making
(2 PD Hrs) Data-driven decision-making involves the collection, analysis, and use of data to guide...
Leading Strategic Management
(3 PD Hrs.) This course provides insights into what it means to exhibit leadership for strategic...
Leading Teaching and Learning - Student Engagement
(2 PD Hrs.) By Gail Huizinga - This course supports school leaders' development of stronger...
Leading Teaching and Learning: Effective Classroom Discussions
(3 PD Hrs.) By Gail Huzinga. This course strengthens a school leader’s ability to analyze and...
Leading Teaching and Learning: Facilitating Outcome-Based Conversations
(3 PD Hrs.) By Gail Huzinga. This course will strengthen a school leader’s ability to facilitate...
Leading Teaching and Learning: High-Quality Questioning
(4 PD Hrs.) By Gail Huizinga - This course strengthens a school leader’s ability to analyze and...
Leading Teaching and Learning: Highly-Effective Instruction
(3 PD Hrs.) By Gail Huizinga - This course supports school leaders’ understanding and...
Leading Vision and Mission
(3 PD Hrs.) In Leading Vision and Mission, the practitioner will gain the skills and knowledge to:...
Learning Standards in Action - ELA
Classroom Voices is a video series which covers the Illinois Learning Standards and their best...
Learning Standards in Action - Math
Classroom Voices is a video series which covers the Illinois Learning Standards and their best...
Learning Standards in Action - Science
Classroom Voices is a video series which covers the Illinois Learning Standards and their best...
Learning Standards in Action - Social Studies
Classroom Voices is a video series which covers the Illinois Learning Standards and their best...
Lights in the Mirror - How to Conduct Yourself During a Traffic Stop
(0 PD Hrs.) This video will cover how to conduct yourself during a traffic stop by the police.
Managing Change and Uncertainty
(3 PD Hrs.) This course will assist the learner in developing skills that include the ability to...
Managing Data Literacy Systems
(3 PD Hrs.) In the Managing Data Literacy Systems course, the participant will learn skills to...
Managing Systems Logistics
(4 PD Hrs.) In the course, participants will review the overseeing of physical building...
Mandated Reporter Training
(0 PD Hrs.) By Department of Child and Family Services.
Mandated Reporter Training (2023 - 2024)
(0 PD Hrs.) By Department of Child and Family Services.
McKinney-Vento Act for Homeless Students
(1 PD Hrs.) Before schools can be certain they are complying with the legislation related to...
McKinney-Vento Act for Homeless Students (2023-2024)
(1 PD Hrs.) Before schools can be certain they are complying with the legislation related to...
Measuring Student Growth
(3 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Diana Zaleski, Illinois Education Association.
Meeting All Academic Needs
(2 PD Hrs.) In this course, the participant will examine the structures and processes that ensure...
Mental Health and School Violence
(0 PD hrs.) This Illinois Terrorism Task Force video discusses how various school districts in...
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
(1 PD Hr.) by Dr. Jonathan B. Singer, Ph.D. LCSW -- One of the most important causes of suicide is...
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention (2023 - 2024)
(1 PD Hr.) by Dr. Jonathan B. Singer, Ph.D. LCSW -- One of the most important causes of suicide is...
Needs of Expecting and Parenting Youth
(1 PD Hr.) In this course, participants will acknowledge and implement a supportive approach for...
Non-Certified Staff Working with IEP Students
(1 PD Hrs.) This course covers the laws and regulation concerning the policies and guidelines...
Non-Certified Staff Working with IEP Students (2023 - 2024)
(1 PD Hrs.) This course covers the laws and regulation concerning the policies and guidelines...
Nurturing a Culture of Wellness
(2 PD Hrs.) This course will allow participants to Create a collaborative framework to support a...
Nutrition Training (Civil Rights)
(0 PD Hr.) This course includes a section on definitions, an overview of important terminologies,...
Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy - Coaching Tools
(2 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This course describes the Official SAT Practice on...
Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy - Introduction
(2 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This course explains how educators can use Official...
Opioid Curriculum for Elementary Educators
(3Hrs) From Drug Enforcement Administration and Discovery Education.
Opioid Overdose Management in the School Environment
(2 PD Hrs.) Presented by James Reimer, Jessica L. Kerr, and Garth K. Reynolds.
Opioid Overdose Management in the School Environment (2023 - 2024)
(2 PD Hrs.) Presented by James Reimer, Jessica L. Kerr, and Garth K. Reynolds.
Paraprofessional Training & Resources
This informational service has been created for paraprofessionals.
Parent Communication
(2 PD Hrs.) Dr. Bill Bosher, Virginia Commonwealth University.
Personalized Professional Development
(5 PD Hrs.) By Adam Geisen and Mike Wielgus, Triad CUSD #2.
PLC's Part I - Laying the Foundation for Student Achievement
(4 PD Hrs.) By Sue Workman - This course provides an overview of the foundations of Professional...
PLC's Part II - Building the Structure to Support Student Achievement
(4 PD Hrs.) By Sue Workman - This course is designed with the principal in mind.
Proactive Paraprofessional
(2 PD Hrs.) Participants in this course will examine, identify and analyze the roles and...
Promoting Collaborative Instruction
(2 PD Hrs.) This course examines the importance of collaboration in providing effective instruction.
Providing Effective Instruction
(2 PD Hrs.) This course examines the components of effective instruction, and how leadership can...
PSAT 10: Checking College and Career Readiness
(3 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board This course will review the knowledge and skills...
PSAT 8/9: Checking College and Career Readiness
(3 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This course will review the knowledge and skills...
Putting the C in PLC: Starting with Relationships
(4 PD Hrs.) Participants will understand the Ten Elements of Principal Knowledge needed to create...
Recruiting High Quality Staff
(3 PD Hrs.) This course will assist the practitioner to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to...
Reporting Guidance Overview: Site-Based Expenditure Reporting
(0 PD hrs.)This video will explore Site-Based Expenditure Reporting as defined within the Every...
Restorative Practices - Academic Circles
(4 PD Hrs.) By Judy Brunner. This course will demonstrate elementary, middle, and high school...
Restorative Practices - Counseling Circles
(4 PD Hrs.) By Judy Brunner - This course shares the origin, procedures, benefits, and emphasis of...
Restorative Practices - Extracurricular Circles
(2 PD Hrs.) This course will demonstrate the use of restorative circles with a student government...
Results Oriented Teaching and Learning
(2 PD Hrs) A results-oriented culture is an environment in which everyone is accountable for the...
Retaining and Developing Staff
(3 PD Hrs.) This course will build the practitioner’s ability to foster a professional culture...
(2 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Joan Rhodes, UVC. This course discusses roadblocks in the workplace and...
Role of the School Nurse in the IEP Process
(0.5 PD Hrs.) By Martha Peebles - This course outlines school nurse’s role in the Individualized...
Role of the School Nurse in the IEP Process (2023 - 2024)
(0.5 PD Hrs.) By Martha Peebles - This course outlines school nurse’s role in the Individualized...
SAT Suite of Assessments - History/Social Studies
(2 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This is a course that explores the Analysis in...
SAT Suite of Assessments - Math
(3 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This is a deep-dive into the Math Section of the SAT...
SAT Suite of Assessments - Overview
(2 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This is an introduction to the SAT Suite of...
SAT Suite of Assessments - Science
(3 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This is a course that explores the Analysis in...
SAT Suite of Assessments - Using Scores and Reports to Inform Instruction
(2 PD Hrs) By Martha Morris, College Board. This course describes the scores and reports available...
SAT Suite of Assessments-Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (ERW)
(2 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This is a deep-dive into the Evidence-Based Reading...
(1 PD Hrs.) By Ayesha Akhtar In this mandated course, participants will be introduced to the many...
Seizures - IL Public Act 101-0050
(0 PD Hrs) By Ayesha Akhtar In this mandated course, participants will be introduced to the many...
Seizures - IL Public Act 101-0050 (2022-2023)
(0 PD Hrs) By Ayesha Akhtar In this mandated course, participants will be introduced to the many...
Seizures - IL Public Act 101-0050 (2023-2024)
(1 PD Hrs.) By Ayesha Akhtar In this mandated course, participants will be introduced to the many...
Self-Reflection and Growth
(4 PD Hrs.) Self-reflection is looking into a mirror and describing what you see.
SLO Process for Measuring Student Learning
(3 PD Hrs.) By Deb Greaney. This course provides a definition, benefits, and an overview of the...
Social Emotional Learning: What, Why, and How
(1 PD Hr.) In this course, participants will apply the definitions of Social and Emotional...
Sports Concussion and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
(1 PD Hrs.) By Kurt Gibson, Nicole Schaefbauer, and Philicia Deckard.
Sports Concussion and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (2023 - 2024)
(1 PD Hrs.) By Kurt Gibson, Nicole Schaefbauer, and Philicia Deckard.
Stop the Bleed: Responding to Life-Threatening Bleeding
(0 PD Hrs.) This course covers how to respond to an incident involving life-threatening bleeding.
Stop the Bleed: Responding to Life-Threatening Bleeding (2023-2024)
(0 PD Hrs.) This course covers how to respond to an incident involving life-threatening bleeding.
Structuring Systems for Strategic Management
(3 PD Hrs.) This course provides insights on what it means to structure systems for strategic...
Student Centeredness
(3 PD Hrs) This course will enable participants to demonstrate best practices, behaviors, and the...
Study Skills Integrated & Aligned to Learning Styles
(2 PD Hrs.) Participants in this course will compare and contrast study skills for the three...
Sustaining an Equitable Learning Culture
(4 PD Hrs.) Presented by Dr Herschel Hannah This course provides the knowledge and skills an...
Tales from the Hardwood
(1 PD Hr.) Participants in this course will dive deep into powerful stories and experiences from...
Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos HS Social Studies
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of...
Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos Grade 1
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of...
Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos Grade 2
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of...
Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos Grade 3
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of...
Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos Grade 4 ELA/Reading
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of...
Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos Grade 4 Mathematics
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of...
Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos Grade 4 Science
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of...
Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos Grade 6
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of...
Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos Grade 7
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of...
Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos Grade K
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of...
Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos HS ELA/Reading
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of...
Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos HS Mathematics
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of...
Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos HS Science
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of...
Teaching Strategies and Practices
(6 PD Hrs.) Dr. Tammy Milby, Virginia Commonwealth University.
Teen Dating Violence
(2 PD Hrs.) Teen dating violence is a serious and widespread issue that encompasses various forms...
Teen Dating Violence (2023 - 2024)
(2 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Terry Lilley. This course will include two sections: 1) Teen Dating Violence...
The Art and Science of Communication for School Leaders
(4 PD Hrs.) Presented by Dr. P.J. Caposey- Superintendent MCUSD 223 This course is designed to...
Time Management for Teachers
(4 PD Hrs.) Dr. Loraine Stewart. This course introduces the participant to techniques that help...
Title IX Sexual Harassment
(2 PD Hrs.) This course will cover 4 sections: 1) Understand the Federal definitions of sexual...
Title IX Sexual Harassment Mandated Training (2023-2024)
(2 PD Hrs.) This course will cover 4 sections: 1) Understand the Federal definitions of sexual...
Traditions and Celebrations
(2 PD Hrs.) by Tiffany Barrett, IASP. Promoting and building a culture of tolerance in schools can...
Transforming Lessons and Learning Through Technology Integration
(3 PD Hrs.) By Aida Awad. This course will guide classroom educators as they journey along a...
Trauma-Informed Practices
(2 PD Hrs.) Presented by Tim Dohrer and Thomas Golebiewski.
Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences
(2 PD Hrs.) Dr. Diana Zaleski, Illinois Education Association.
Understanding Child Sexual Abuse and Your Responsibility to Report
(2 PD Hrs.) A child cannot consent to any form of sexual activity, period.
Understanding Child Sexual Abuse and Your Responsibility to Report (2023 - 2024)
(1 PD Hrs.) A child cannot consent to any form of sexual activity, period.
Understanding Mindset
(2 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Diana Zaleski, Illinois Education Association.
Understanding SB100 and Student Discipline
(2 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Diana Zaleski. This is an introductory course designed to help educators...
Understanding SB100 and Student Discipline (2023 - 2024)
(2 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Diana Zaleski. This is an introductory course designed to help educators...
Unmotivated Students
(2 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Loraine Stewart, Virginia Commonwealth University.
Using SAT Data to Inform Improvement
(3 PD Hrs.) By Deb Greaney. This course provides an overview of the types and uses of data from...
(2 PD Hrs.) This course provides an education on electronic nicotine delivery systems or ENDS,...
Violence Prevention and Conflict Resolution
(2 PD Hrs.) This mandated course equips participants with the skills to recognize and identify...