Self-management is a key skill for school leaders, as it involves monitoring and taking responsibility for one’s own behavior and well-being, both personally and professionally. Self-management can help school leaders to cope with stress, manage their time, set and achieve goals, communicate effectively, and lead by example.
Each Admin Academy is designed to develop and support learning leaders leading learning organizations.
IPA's On-Demand Academies offer administrator academy credit in an on-demand format.
Available to all public school educators at no cost, ELN courses provide high-quality, on-demand content on the ELN platform. Don’t have access? Go here.
Learn from educational experts from across the country about important issues of the day.
March 12, 2024
January 25, 2024
Anchored to the School Leader Paradigm, IPA Resources provide tools to support learning leaders leading learning organizations.
IPA Talks, Annual Conference Ignite Sessions, and more from Illinois school leaders and policymakers.