Illinois Principals Association

Admin Academies

Dr. Lionel Allen, Jr.

Clinical Assistant Professor
Educational Policy Studies UIC and Founder, edLeadersMatter, LLC

Dr. Michael Allen

Senior Director, Executive Leadership Coach

Charles Anderson

Michele Clark Academic Prep Magnet High School (CPS)

Donald Anderson

Education Consultant

Jack Baldermann

Westmont Community Unit School District 201

Cindy Beabout

PFAE Program Support Specialist
The Center: Resources for Teaching and Learning

Dr. Marcus Belin

Huntley High School

Michele Bertola

Warren Twp High School- O Plaine Road Campus

David Braun

Miller, Tracy, Braun, Funk & Miller, Ltd.

Adelicia Brienzo

Education Specialist
Illinois Resource Center

Dr. Melanie Brink

Freeburg CCSD 70

Stephanie Brown

Assistant Director of Student Support Services and Wellness
Morton CUSD 709

Dr. Tiffany Brown

Deputy Chief of Schools
Chicago Public Schools

Dr. PJ Caposey

Meridian CUSD 223 & Oregon CUSD 220

Dr. Geri Chesner

Associate Professor
National Louis University Chicago

Dr. Amy Dixon

Harrisburg Unit District #3

Dr. Timothy Dohrer

Asst Professor; Director of Educator Leadership
National Louis University

Dr. Sharon Doubet

Pyramid Model Coach
Illinois State University (retired)

Dr. Ivette Dubiel

Assistant Superintendent of Diverse Learners
Oswego sd308

Dr. Kay Dugan

Retired Assistant Superintendent, Educational Consultant

Dr. Matt Epperley

Administrator of Social Emotional Health and Wellness
Coop Assoc for Spec Educ (CASE)

Lisa Epstein

Richard Henry Lee Elem School, CPS

Maggie Essig

ESL and Bilingual Education Consultant
Illinois Resource Center

Vanessa Figueroa

Education Specialist
Illinois Resource Center

Charity Freeman

Principal Consultant
CS for Success

Dr. Tom Golebiewski

Adjunct Professor, Educational Consultant, and Clinical Social Worker
University of Chicago, Northwestern University, Loyola University

Dr. Sheila Greenwood

Retired Superintendent, Educational Consultant

Dr. Jill Griffin

Bethalto School District

Dr. Renee Gugel

Assistant Professor and Teacher Leadership Program Chair
National Louis University

Dr. Lindsey Hall

Coordinator of P-12 Programs at ISU
Department of EAF, Illinois State University

Dr. Herschel Hannah

Education Consultant

Dr. Lee Hoffman

Director of Culture Transformation

Dr. Susan Homes

Deputy Executive Director for Professional Learning
Illinois Principals Association

Darren Howard

Athletic Director
St. Charles East HS, District 303

Stephanie Jones

Kriha Boucek Law Firm

Tammy King

Early Childhood Professional Learning
The Center: Resources for Teaching and Learning

Dr. Dan Krause

Willowbrook High School

Ann Kremer

Project Director

Adam Larsen

Assistant Superintendent
Oregon CUSD 220

Dr. Jason Leahy

Executive Director
Illinois Principals Association

Dr. Stanley Leone, Jr.

Founder and CEO
This Side of Hope

Dr. Michael Lubelfeld

North Shore SD 112

Dr. Erin Ludwick

Associate Principal of Student Support Services
Downers Grove North H S

Dr. Thomas Mahoney

Retired Superintendent

Alison Maley

Government and Public Relations Director
Illinois Principals Association

Dr. Linda Marrs-Morford

Educational Consultant

Dr. Anthony McConnell

Steger SD 194

Dr. Joe Mullikin

Principal Consultant
OMT Consulting, LLC

Kimberly Sue Nelson

Executive Director of Early Childhood
Rockford SD 205

Dr. Courtney Orzel

Lemont-Brombeck SD133A

Dr. Don Parker

Author, Speaker, Professional Development Provider
DPCP Corporation

Dr. Todd Pettit

Quincy SD 172

Dr. Nick Polyak

Leyden CHSD #212

Dr. Amanda Quesenberry

Illinois State University

Dr. James Roscoe

Grayslake North High School

Sonia Estela Ruiz

Jane Addams Middle School, Bolingbrook, IL

Dr. Joe Sanfelippo

Retired Superintendent
Fall Creek School District, Wisconsin

Dr. Jeff Schagrin

Associate Principal for Curriculum and Instruction
Grayslake North High School

Brian D. Schwartz

Deputy Director & General Counsel
Illinois Principals Association

Janice Schwarze

Professional Learning Associate
Illinois Principals Association

Dr. Christina Sepiol

Assistant Superintendent of Student Services
Indian Prairie CUSD 204

Dr. Bhavna Sharma-Lewis

Diamond Lake SD 76

Dr. Femi Skanes

Educational Consultant
Leadership EDGE, LLC

Ben Sondgeroth

Lead Regional Educational Technology Coordinator
Learning Technology Center of Illinois

Dr. Kelly Stewart

Associate Professor
McKendree University

Dr. Antoinette Taylor

Exceptional Needs Consultant
A.T. Exceptional Consulting

Paul Timm

School Security Consultant

James Toland

Rochester Intermediate School

Barbara Valle

Retired Principal, Mentor, Adjunct Professor
Aurora University

Kathleen Villano

Senior Program Consultant - ECPL
The Center: Resources for Teaching and Learning

Corrie Wallace

Anti-Oppression Educator & Consultant
Chicagoland SEED

Dr. Cheryl D. Watkins

Educational Consultant

Dr. Tom Webb

Carterville Intermediate School

Courtney White

PE, Health, Driver Ed Dept. Chair
Downers Grove North HS

Charles Williams

Assistant Principal
Michele Clark Academy Prep Magnet High School

Dr. Lynda Williams

Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership Consultant
National Louis University

Dr. Markenya L. Williams

Educational Consultant, Assistant Professor
Harper College, The Panacea Consulting Firm

Dr. Bryan Wills

Entrepreneur, School Board President
Wills Chiropractic

Dr. Jo Nell Wood

Associate Professor - Educational Leadership
Saint Louis University

John Woods

Athletic Director
Libertyville High School

Brandon K. Wright

Attorney and Partner
Miller, Tracy, Braun, Funk & Miller, Ltd.